Thursday, May 03, 2007

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the northwest , and I can't wait to get me some salmon and some beer. One of the few remaining divides between the coasts is the beer selection; I sorely miss Black Butte Porter, Moose Drool, Mac and Jack... Yum.

I haven't quite decided what to bring along to knit yet, but I have been busy. I'm not finished yet (my weekly Grey's group may afford me the time tonight), but here's a sneak peak:
I return on Friday, commencement exercises on Saturday and Sunday. I'll see y'all soon.

Most recent podcast: NPR's Story of the Day.
Currently listening to: WUNC's pledge drive.
What I should be doing: Packing.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You have been tagged! Read my blog to find out more...