Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Shades of Deep Purple.

After some petting and cooing over my swatches at Unraveled (they really are so very nice), I was charmed and convinced that the purple Jo Sharp would work for the Tangled Yoke, and decided to go for it (really I was just tired of swatching). The yarn is lovely, and knits up wonderfully, although the texture is a little nubbier than I'd really like, truth be told, from the bubbly 2-ply. The color, too, is gorgeous, and just enough out of my comfort zone of green and blue. It helps that my Great Aunt Lottie once told me (at age seven or so) that purple is my color. I've held onto that ever since. And -- not to jinx myself -- depending on how my first-button-band-ever goes, I seem to be on target for finishing this before my trip to Edinburgh. It's nice being unemployed sometimes.

In other news, I saw, among other crazy and wild sights, The Frames last night at Bumbershoot. They are one of my favorite bands, due in large part to their always fun live shows. And their sexy Irish accents. If you don't know them, you should check them out. Even if you don't like them, they have sexy Irish accents.

Okay, Rob Bochnik probably doesn't have a sexy Irish accent, since I'm pretty sure he's from Chicago. But Glen Hansard gets all the love these days (and well deserved it is). And look at the wind in his hair!
Most recent podcast: Selected Shorts.
Currently listening to: The Frames mix.
What I should be doing: Absolutely nothing.

1 comment:

Devon said...

Rob Bochnik is from Chicago. He likes my name because there's a Devon Avenue or something in Chicago. He told me this in Boston in 2004, right after Glen told me he liked my knickers.